Honest Review of Rave Coffee

We love all things coffee at Chipp Coffee Co. and we also love to try out other roasters around the country!

This month we tested out some old pals Rave Coffee!
We've seen and tasted Rave Coffee's beans here and there for a long time but we thought it time to try them out again.

Firstly, Rave Coffee have been at the forefront of UK coffee online for many years, exploring the world of speciality coffe all through to the classic Italian blend and more.
We've always looked up to Rave as not just a competitor but also an inspiration for great coffee.


We tested out two of the top best selling Rave Coffee products:

1. Rave's Signature Blend No.1

 The Signature Blend caught our eye with flavour notes of, Caramel, Almond and Chocolate. Very reminiscent of our own Highwire Signature Blend.
We tested out the Signature Blend in a couple ways, firstly making a pour over in the Hario V60, which gave us all the bold notes of the caramel and almond before finishing with those sweet chocolatey flavours lingering for a long time after.
With such a powerful accompaniment of flavours we just had to test out the Rave Coffee Signature Blend through the espresso machine too! 
We started by making a lovely oat milk Cortado and were so blown away by the creamy velvety caramel notes coming through we had to make another cortado, and then another and another! 
We also tested out the blend as a pure espresso which whilst great... this blend deserves to be forever wed with milk, that sweet creamy cortado will live on in my dreams for a long time.

 Now at Chipp HQ, we are the biggest fans of single origin coffees, and when you say "Here's a single origin coffee, from Rwanda... and it's washed process!" you've got our attention.
We also started tasting this coffee with a sweet Hario V60 brew and my gosh did it deliver! The bright fruity acidity from this coffee sings all the way through the cup.
Not only is this a fantastic tasting coffee, this microlot was produced by the women of the Burega cooperative and grown exclusively by smallholder women in the area.
Honestly, this fruit forward, bright and clean coffee didn't need any other brewing than a few pourovers and a big batch brew for the whole team to try out before it was all gone! 

Like I said before, we've always admired what Rave Coffee do and tasting their coffees again just reinforces how much of a leader of industry they are.

Thanks for being great Rave Coffee!