Our guarantee

“Love your coffee or let us know, we’ll make it right!”

We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service and with that our coffee quality also.

So we guarantee that if you really dont love the coffee you purchase from us, we'll help make it right!

Get in touch with us at Hello@Chippcoffee.co.uk and let us know your order number and the issue you're having with the coffee, we may be able to recommend some brewing tips if the coffee isn't tasting quite right.

If the coffee still isn't right, that's ok, we will swap your coffee for something we think you'll prefer.

If somehow at this point, you STILL don't love your coffee from us, we'll give you a full refund!


For our full T&C's please see here.

*We reserve the right to refuse refunds for orders past 30 days since the day of ordering.