Honduras COMSA

Single Origin
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The process of washed coffee starts from the moment of picking the coffee cherries. It is promoted within COMSA's members at this stage to only hand-pick 100% ripe cherries with, a red wine-like color. 

The farmers deliver the cherries to COMSA’s central wet mill after the day of collection is finished. Usually, from 4 to 9 or 10 p.m., the central mill gets the busiest. The cherries are left in the hopper overnight where the beans rest for 12 to 16 hours to ferment inside the cherries. The next morning the coffee cherries are de-pulped (removal of cherry skin from coffee beans). The wet parchment beans are left to rest in clean tanks to ferment without added water for 24 hours and the next morning they are washed and moved into the patios or raised beds where they are sun-dried for about 6 to 8 days, depending on the weather.

About The Producer

Established in 2001, as an initiative of a group of 61 coffee producers (12 females and 49 males) with the support of the Fundación para el Desarrollo Empresarial Rural (FUNDER) and a starting capital of close to $365. Now integrated by over 1500 farmers, COMSA has grown into a business role model, thanks to the dynamic, responsible, and innovative work ethics and vision of its members and workforce. 

From its foundation, the 61 members of COMSA decided that besides achieving high-quality coffee, their company was going to produce organic coffee and they were going to promote organic agriculture as one of the core principles pillars of their organization. At the time of their establishment, conventional agriculture which uses chemicals was the most common practice in the region.

Following their focus on organic agriculture and high-quality coffee, COMSA presented itself to the international markets and recovered the trust of international coffee buyers and Honduran coffee producers. The consolidation of COMSA over time in the international and local markets has allowed it to access different certifications that guarantee the quality of the coffee, the environmental practices, and social investments that the company has in place to benefit its members in their communities.

Roast Profile:- Light

Notes of: Honey, Caramac, Tunnocks Wafer

Variety |  Parainema, Lempira, Typica and Ihcafe 90

Process | Washed

Altitude | 1250 - 1700 MASL. 

*Our coffee is freshly roasted each Monday & Thursday and orders are dispatched on Wednesday and Friday with Royal Mail Tracked 48. Please allow 2-3 business days for your order to arrive.

*Our coffee is freshly roasted each Monday & Thursday and orders are dispatched on Wednesday and Friday with Royal Mail Tracked 48. Please allow 2-3 business days for your order to arrive.

Honduras COMSA
From £9.85

Roast Profile


Notes Of

Honey - Caramac - Tunnocks Wafer

Producer / Region

COMSA, Honduras


Parainema, Lempira, Typica and Ihcafe 90




1250 - 1700 MASL


We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service and with that our coffee quality also.
So we guarantee that if you really dont love the coffee you purchase from us, we'll help make it right!


  1. Grind 14g of coffee on a medium-fine grind
  2. Wet the plunger then push the plunger into the end of the brewing chamber
  3. Place filter paper into filter chamber and rinse paper with warm water (carefully)
  4. Place Aeropress on your scale in the inverted position (upside down) and tare scales.
  5. Add ground coffee to your Aeropress.
  6. Using freshly boiled water straight off the boil, start a timer, add 60g of water and give a short stir.
  7. After 30 seconds add another 170g of water, bringing your total water up to 230g
  8. Leave your Aeropress to brew for 3 minutes
  9. At the 3 minute mark carefully attach your filter chamber with filter paper
  10. Hold a mug or vessel on top of your Aeropress and carefully flip over
  11. Gently push down to extract all the coffee from the Aeropress
  12. Remove and enjoy.

Chipp Tip

If you don't have scales a typical coffee scoop will give you roughly 15-17g of ground coffee. 

View the full guide here.

  1. Grind your coffee to a medium-coarse grind
  2. Weigh out your coffee, we always recommend 60g coffee to 1 litre of water.  For example: 400ml brew = 24g coffee
  3. Using fresh water, boil your kettle, fold the filter paper into your Chemex and flush with hot water to pre heat the Chemex and remove any papery taste. Discard the water
  4. Pour the ground coffee into the Chemex paper and gently shake to even out the coffee bed
  5. Start a timer then begin to bloom your coffee by pouring enough water to just cover and wet all the coffee and leave to steep for 30 seconds
  6. At 30 seconds begin to gradually add the rest of the water until all your water is added by 1 minute 30 seconds
  7. Allow the coffee to drain through the filter. If your grind is correct this should take approximately 5 minutes in total
  8. Pour and enjoy

Chipp Tip

If you don't have scales a typical coffee scoop will give you roughly 15-17g of ground coffee.

View the full guide here.

What you’ll need:
Here’s founder Zach's personal recipe:
  • 32.5g coarsely ground coffee
  • Add 500ml of fresh filtered water.
  • Give it a little stir
  • Leave it in the fridge for 8-12 hours.
  • Strain through a V60 02 or the Hario Cold Brew Coffee Maker

Dose: 18 grams

Brew time: 25-30 sec

Brew weight: 30-36 grams

This should be used a recommended start, not an absolute.

See how you get on and change your recipe to what suits you best and let us know what you find!

  1. Grind your coffee to a coarse grind
  2. Use a ratio of 60G Coffee to 1Ltr water 
  3. In a 3 cup french press add 21g coffee (approx 3 scoops) 
  4. Add 350ml boiling water 
  5. Leave to brew for 4 minutes 
  6. Use a spoon to gently stir the crust 
  7. Leave the french press to brew and settle for a further 6 minutes. 
  8. Add the plunger and gently press

Chipp Tip

Being patient with your French Press will make sure you have an even better coffee experience and making sure to use scales and freshly ground coffee will help elevate that cup of morning java even further!

View the full guide here.

  1. Grind your coffee a little coarser than table salt. You will need approx 15-17g of coffee.
  2. Boil your kettle with fresh water.
  3. Add your boiled water to the brewing chamber, just up to the fill line.
  4. Fill the basket with coffee, slightly mounded, and level the surface off with your finger. Brush away loose grounds on the top edge of the filter basket.
  5. Carefully screw the top of the brewer to the bottom not over-tightening it.
  6. Place the Moka pot on your stove over a medium heat ensuring the handle is not in any direct heat.
  7. Keep the lid open and wait for the coffee to extract into the top chamber.
  8. Once the coffee starts to bubble out of the inner spout and no more liquid emerges carefully take the Moka pot off the heat and run the bottom chamber under a cold tap to stop any further extraction.
  9. Pour and enjoy.

Chipp Tip

If you don't have scales a typical coffee scoop will give you roughly 15-17g of ground coffee.