Office Coffee Supply Partners

Let's brew good things together.

With care, quality and creativity at the heart of our service we create bespoke supply plans to suit your company needs and budget. We open the bridge to providing premium speciality coffees, teas and more as an everyday luxury to your business at no compromise.

Who We Are:

Chipp Coffee Co. is an independent Yorkshire based speciality coffee roaster and supplier. With in depth knowledge of coffee supply and consultation, Chipp Coffee Co. is highly regarding in the field, as shown by having worked alongside industry leading brands, from both the UK and abroad, such as 4 Seasons Hotels, Drop Coffee and Coffee Nexus.
Here at Chipp Coffee Co. our expertise comes from 10 years of experience within the industry and we are using it to create our very own uniquely crafted speciality coffees. In addition to our specialty coffees we can also offer some of the finest brands in tea, hot chocolate and more. We are now partnering with businesses throughout the UK to provide the quality beverages that all work spaces deserve every day.

What We Do For You:

Free All Inclusive coffee & drink tasting session with our Head Roaster - sampling and “Cupping” our Speciality Coffees with a walk and talk through the origins, roasts and processes of each blend.
All at the comfort of your own office.

Personalised Beverage Supply Consultation 

 We understand that each workplace has their own requirements and preferences when it comes to coffee and tea; therefore we want to ensure our supply is as flexible and individual as the clients we serve.
We’ll assess each of your kitchen spaces, talk through the likes, and dislikes, of your people and provide a bespoke supply plan designed to ensure your satisfaction.

Why You Should Be Our Next Partner...

From farm to cup we’ll work together to build a bespoke package that suits your team to a tea.
We’ll help you launch the great new coffees you have to offer and we’ll always be there to support you seven days a week.
Book your free consultation today and find out how partnering with us can really transform your workplace!
Terms & Conditions apply.