August Roasters Choice - Mad Science from Anserma

Colombia Finca El Embrujo - Carbonic Maceration

We're well in to the back half of 2024 and we've just decided to get a bit weird with our coffee selection because... well because we could. It takes a lot for us to be caught by surprise but this one really got knocked our socks off with it's unique flavour profile; so without further adieu we present to you our Roasters Choice selection for August - Finca El Embrujo.

Finca El Embrujo - Process & Harvest

This funky little number comes to us from the the Colombian wizard Ignacio Rodriguez who believes that "truly excellent specialty coffee will evoke the “magic of coffee” for drinkers" and after trying this we believe every word. 

The cherries are handpicked by Ignacio's highly skilled team who ensure that only the ripest cherries are harvested and they're paid well above the industry standard for their meticulous level of care. 

This next step is where the real magic happens and when you taste this brew you'll be convinced Ignacio is a literal wizard.

The cherries are sorted then placed in a huge fermentation tanks where they are sealed then injected with CO2. Typically the cherries ferment by ingesting oxygen and emit CO2 however, by removing as much oxygen as possible and pumping the tanks full of CO2 it allows different varieties of microbes and enzymes to become more active which in turn produces a completely unexpected flavour profile with strong boozy notes and Percy Pigs... obviously.

The magic doesn't stop here though, Ignacio has also worked tirelessly to make his estate one of Sucafina's IMPACT certified farms. You can find out more about this wonderful programme on our blog Sucafina, IMPACT & Fazenda Nunes

Chipp Coffee Co. Roastery Update

This month has been one we'll remember in the roastery for a long time because the man himself, Big Poppa Z, got married!!! Zach and Beth's wedding was a wonderful day full of love and joy and wine, so much wine.

While Zach was on his honeymoon he was lucky enough to visit one of SO Coffee Roasters awesome shops in Porto where he picked up this amazing Natural Ethiopian Single Origin which is another great example of Ethiopian coffee done perfectly, just like our Ethiopia - Uraga *eyebrows eyebrows*

What We're Listening To

This month we have to talk about the incredible new album from Childish Gambino, Bando Stone & the New World. This is the final album from Childish Gambino which is bittersweet because it's just banger after banger. We personally recommend 'Got To Be' and 'Yoshinoya' as tracks to check out first but honestly the whole thing is absolutely incredible.



Finca El Embrujo is available ALL AUGUST as part of our Roasters Choice selection. Treat yourself to something new and prepare to have your mind blown.