January Roasters Choice - Kamoini Peaberry

January Roasters Choice - Kamoini Peaberry



We did it everyone! We made it through 2023. It’s done, it’s over and we can begin looking ahead to an awesome new year in specialty coffee right here at your favourite local roastery. I’m here today to highlight our new Roaster’s Choice coffee for January 2024 and oh boy do we have an absolute banger to start off the year! 


Introducing the Kamoini Peaberry, a washed coffee from the Nyeri region in Kenya, bringing big flavours of vanilla ice cream, marzipan and rich dried fruits. This is a seriously quaffable coffee so get it while it’s here before it’s gone forever. 

Now you’re probably thinking to yourself, what the hell is a peaberry and why should I care? In order to answer this properly we need to go right back to basics.

Coffee is a fruit and like all fruits it has seeds. What we know as coffee beans are actually the seeds from inside the coffee cherry. When a cherry grows it usually has two seeds inside which is why coffee beans usually have a flat side and a round side. A common misconception is that a peaberry is its own variety but this is not true! Peaberries are a rare mutation that occurs in all coffee during the growing process that is a result of a single seed growing inside the coffee cherry instead of two. This means that a peaberry, instead of having to fight and share all good stuff between two seeds like regular coffee, gets all that good stuff all to itself which results in a deeper, sweeter, more balanced and juicier cup of coffee. 

There’s no real easy way to filter and sort out peaberry cherries and under 10% of coffees are peaberries. They are usually found during the processing and sorting stage and are often picked out by hand to be sold separately. This insane extra amount of time and effort needed to bring this coffee to fruition (no pun intended) makes this an incredibly sought after bean.

Kamoini Wetmill is part of Othaya Farmers’ Cooperative Society Limited, one of a few washing stations that form the co-op group based in the heartland of Kukuyu territory, Nyeri. This season the mill worked with 551 registered local farmers who cultivate small plots of land (an average of 0.25 acres). 


The coffee is wet processed, where the fully ripe cherries are:

  • Pulped
  • Fermented for 12 - 48 hours (depending on climatic conditions)
  • Washed
  • Dried slowly over 2 - 3 weeks on raised African beds until the moisture content is reduced to 10-12%.

The coffee is then processed at Othaya dry mill where it is rested in parchment for 3 weeks before being hulled, cleaned and graded by bean size. Finally, the coffee is carefully hand picked before being bagged for export from Mombasa.

The Kamoini Peaberry is available from Chipp Coffee Co until the end of January.

Get yours HERE now!!!!